You may already know about the release in December of the Clint Eastwood directed Matt Damon movie called INVICTUS...
"Set in South Africa, Invictus is based on the real-life story of rugby player Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon) who, with the support of Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) helped unite his country in the wake of apartheid.
Francois Pienaar was captain of the 1995 South African rugby team that took the World Cup and “capped Mandela’s miraculous 10-year effort to bring 43 million South Africans together in an enduring bond.” Morgan Freeman, who is co-producing with Eastwood, will play Mandella primarily during the years following his 23-year imprisonment, in which he served a term as president after the fall of apartheid."
Right, well looks like Matt and Clint are back together, in a movie called Hereafter, written by screenwriter Peter Morgan (Frost/Nixon)...Hereafter is a project Eastwood has apparently been interested in since late 2008. Dreamworks has since held on to the rights for the script, but Eastwood will now be taking the project over to Warner Brothers with the blessing of Steven Spielberg. Spielberg and Eastwood recently worked together on Flags of Our Fathers and Letters From Iwo Jima, which Spielberg produced. Kathleen Kennedy will produce Hereafter along with Eastwood, while Spielberg, Frank Marshall, Peter Morgan, and Tim Moore will get executive producer credits. The plot of the film is being kept secret, but it’s been described as “a thriller in the vein of The Sixth Sense.”
Fantastic - I want Clint to work as much as possible and make more good films per year than most people do ever. He is probably my ultimate hero. Him and Nicholson.
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